FirstService Residential performs drive-through inspections in our community. Any maintenance issues that appear to need attention are noted and a letter may be sent to the homeowner informing them of the problem(s). It is up to each homeowner to quickly correct the problem, or contact FirstService Residential with an approximate date of when the problem will be corrected (for example, your lawn has large dead patches and you intend to re-sod within 60-days). In the event the violation is not corrected by the deadline provided on the initial notice, or an extension for correction is not confirmed by the Association, Homeowners will receive a second letter from the Association’s attorney. In the event violations remain unresolved after this notice Homeowners will receive a final letter from the Association’s attorney which may lead to subsequent fining by the Board and Fining Committee. All homeowners are encouraged to maintain their property in South Fork III, which enhances the overall property value of individual homes and the community in general.